
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Thing

I asked G to pick out one thing in the room that I could blog about. Just telling the facts was getting dull, and I wanted a focus. And what sort of blogger would I be if I didn't give you a well-rounded reading experience?? Right?!

Well, the one thing that G picked was probably the most, er, inappropriate. But, readers, do not fear. I'm all about giving you the whole picture here. I'm sure most of my readers have encountered said item, but, dear blog-follower, let me assure you that at 7am on a Sunday, this item has a completely different effect on a person.

I, sometimes, get the giggles. It's not the wand that gets me... it's the goo. The blue goo hidden under the wand condom. Giggle Giggle Snort.

You have to laugh at this stuff... otherwise it's just too stressful :) Thank you, G., for the suggestion and for taking the image. We have bonded over the wand and goo.

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