
Monday, April 5, 2010

On My Own

I stuck myself. Without tears. Without hesitating. I just loaded up and jabbed it in.


The stress and procrastinating about this hurdle has haunted me all day. Well, really since I found out that G would be out of town for the start of the meds. But mostly all day. :)

I figure I will start worrying about the next solo-shot in 2 days. (Shot is in 3).


  1. way to go! You continue to make all this seem less terrifying.

  2. LOL that was so me when I had to jab myself as hubby was going away for a week. He had done everyone of them before (2 cycles, this was our 3rd). I stood there nearly in tears. When I actually did it I thought I hadn't done it right because I didn't feel anything. After that I did it myself and had less bruising too lol.
